
Whew .. Every Minute 72 Hour Video Uploaded in YouTube

CALIFRONIA - New data reveals that in a minute, recorded a YouTube video upload as many as 72 hours of video. The streaming video service site was experiencing an increasing number of upload 48 hours.

"Over the last seven years. We are growing so rapidly around the world," YouTube wrote in a blog post. As reported by Digital Spy, Wednesday (23/05/2012).

YouTube also confirmed today has more than 800 million users worldwide. Where users watch more than 3 billion hours of video every month. Last month, the company launched the tools provided to users that allow them to automatically convert a short video into a 3D format.

YouTube is a video sharing website. Through the site users can load, watch, and share video clips for free. Generally, there are video clips on YouTube are music, movies, TV shows, and videos made ​​by the users themselves.

On October 9, 2006 Google bought YouTube officially priced $ 1, 65 billion. Then in early April 2008 Indonesia some ISPs blocked access to several web sites including YouTube because the film Fitna.

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