
Harvard Accused of Racism

DEPARTMENT of Education Bureau of the U.S. Civil Rights will investigate the Harvard and Princeton University. Investigations carried out after two university students reported one of the candidates for alleged discrimination.
Candidates for an Asian-American students reported two best universities in the world for refusing his request to the department when the new admissions last year.
Reports of the student whose name was not mentioned was received in August 2011. To Bloomberg, the father's defense. She said her son deserves as one of the best students after graduation from high school in California. Harvard and Princeton before reporting, the same students also filed a report against Yale University. Later, he pulled the report.
Meanwhile, Harvard spokesman Jeff Neal had no comment. But Neal insists campus is not being discriminatory toward Asian-American citizens who apply to college.

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Data on the Harvard site shows, in the academic year 2010-2011, 16 percent of Harvard students are people of Asian descent. Princeton spokesman also denied discriminating. Last year, Asia's degree student at the university by 18 percent.
Although the campus is not discriminatory to claim, in fact some studies have found that students of Asian descent face more stringent standards as new admissions process. This compared with applicants from other races.
In the book No Longer Separate, But Equal, Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade wrote that students of Asian descent have scored 140 points higher than white students. This happens when the new admissions in the 10 ten universities in America. It is quoted from the Huffington Post, Saturday (04/02/2012).
Counselor in the admissions process at elite colleges also claimed discrimination. According to one of the staff in the Office of Admissions at Yale, Kara Miller, an Asian-American students face a more difficult process in the admissions process. As a result, many Asian-American residents applying to elite universities do not fill in the form of race in admissions.
Harvard is not the first time examined the alleged discriminatory treatment. In 1980, the campus is also checked for similar cases.

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