
Kim Jong-Un War Will Swear

SEOUL - North Korean leader (North Korea) Kim Jong-Un it had vowed to wage war when the enemy, dropping rockets at its territory. This is thought to be his first military command before the death of her father, Kim Jong-Il.

Jong-Un's comments were issued in a videotape as part of a documentary film to commemorate the birthday celebration. Through the video it seems that Kim Jong-Un has indeed been groomed to succeed his father.

This video footage was proved that Kim Jong-Il has indeed been preparing his son since early 2009. But the announcement Jong-Un as successor just done in September 2010.

When the threat was posted, the North has just successfully launched a satellite into orbit as part of their campaign for their space program.

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In a videotape released Sunday, January 8 yesterday, Kim Jong-Un seemed to be in the satellite control center, accompanied by North Korean military scientists in April 2009. The launch of the rocket itself drew criticism and sparked tension on the Korean Peninsula.

"I have decided to wage war when the enemy opened fire (missiles)," explained Kim Jong-Un in the video recording as quoted by MSNBC, Monday (01/09/2012).

After the satellite is orbiting, Japan threatens to shoot down debris from the rocket if the launch fails. United States (U.S.) had ordered the military to do the same as Japan.

Kim Jong-Un who graduate from the Military University of Kim Il-Sung, is believed to had just turned 28 or 29 on Sunday. The process of power succession was quick with quick support from the military or party leaders in the Communist State.

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