
Because of El Clasico, a Child Kill Her Father

Luanda - shocking news came from Angola, Africa, though not yet the start of the match between Real Madrid's El Clasico against Barcelona, the game has been heat casualties.

As reported by The Guardian, Saturday (11/10/2011), a teenager accidentally shot dead allegedly by her 48-year-old father, after the two engaged in a pretty fierce debate about the hot action.

The young man who had just turned 17 this year at loggerheads with his own father about Spanish football and also music Angola on Thursday, before the debate finally ended on murder.

"The situation has brought both sides to lose control. They started the fight that pretty fierce in this area. The child then takes a gun in their yard and shot him twice, "said police investigator, Carlos Andre.

The police said that if his father was killed instantly at the scene, while his son immediately ran away and carry weapons that he used to kill. Until now the child is still a fugitive cop.

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