
10 Ways to Hear Roommate

SIGN college can be a challenging experience. For you who live with roommates, it could be this is your first time living and not living with family members.

Sometimes, we can not avoid conflict. Whether it's because things trivial, especially if the cause is very principled.

Maintaining good relations with roommates is tricky. Here are some suggestions you can apply as reported by Her Campus, Tuesday (27/12/2011).


Open communication is one key to successful relationships with roommates. Let your roommate know what you liked and disliked at the beginning of your introduction. But, you also must be open to hear what she likes and she did not like.

When your roommate to do something you do not like, do not say anything. Little things, when left unchecked, will grow like a snowball. Communication is friends with your roommate will keep your relationship in an equivalent situation.

Respecting the limits

Having a roommate who set some ground rules have a tendency to respect the personal boundaries of each other.If you want to get up early to study for the semester final exams (UAS), then tell your roommate not to stay up until three o'clock.

Do not borrow all the goods

The temptation to borrow items or eating various snacks roommate when he's not very big indeed. However, this behavior can lead to conflict. Keep the peace by not 'meddling' in the goods our roommates.


The values ​​of common courtesy usually applies also to relationships with roommates. Do not be too noisy or invite too many guests when your roommate.


They are dirty and messy, usually match roommates with similar people. Let's learn to respect the space we share with keeping the 'region' we keep it clean and tidy.

Sharing a favorite

to shy to talk about what you're interested in with your roommates. Our roommate may have social and cultural backgrounds are different, baseball no harm, really, to learn the difference. That way, you and your roommate will be a stranger baseball anymore, right?


When problems arise, lest it leads to a dead end. If you're smart enough to go to college, then you should also be able to work together to find a compromise over the issue you guys.

Willing to change

Campus is where we learn and grow up. It is not fun if you're stuck with the patterns and habits that you brought from home. Over time, be flexible with your roommate and adjusting the mindset in every new situation is the thing to do.

Find new friends

If you are lucky enough to get a roommate that really be your friend, your baseball should always spend time with her, really.

Take time to play and get acquainted with new people. And remember, do not hurt when your roommate is doing the same, yes.

Have a good time

Nah too seriously and need to practice to keep a sense of humor with your friends. That way, you will enjoy fun times with him.

Actually, getting to know your roommate and learn how to live with one another will be one incredible college experience. When your relationship a success, it will last for a long time, even a lifetime.

In fact, if you feel baseball will be able to really get along with your roommate, apply these tips to keep you from conflict can help you maintain productive and pleasant atmosphere in the room kosmu.

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