
Teens Develop New Type of Detector Safety

CALIFORNIA - A 17-year-old teenager named Taylor Wilson succeeded in developing a nuclear detector, which makes it invited to the Intel International Science Fair 2011.

Taylor Wilson, a young genius 17-year-old, recently had the privilege of exhibiting his work at the Intel International Science Fair. Wilson creates a device that can detect weapons in a cargo container.

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As reported by Ubergizmo on Saturday (6/18/2011), Wilson says that the detector is equipped with a nuclear fusion reactor that has been made ​​at the time he was 14 years old.

Speaking at the Intel International Science Fair recently, he gave an explanation of the science project entitled 'against nuclear terrorism'. The detector itself is designed as a tool to facilitate the weapons inspectors in cargo containers.

These detectors function like X-ray beam that can scan kontainaer like fingerprints or traces of radioactive material expressing without having to open it.

Each year as many as 35 million cargo containers pass through customs. This device is felt to be more task easier than supervisory personnel of cargo.

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