Will Greenpeace Radiation Monitor in Fukushima
27 Maret 2011
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Sendai- Nuclear scientists from the international environmental organization Greenpeace began a radiation monitoring around nuclear power plants Fuksuhima.
Greenpeace believed the Japanese authorities have downplayed the impact of the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in the NPP. Greenpeace wants to measure radiation levels and radiation risk to local residents.
"Since the beginning of the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, the Japanese authorities seem too underestimated the risk as well as the continued widespread radioactive contamination. We come to Fukushima to witness the impact of this crisis and give our view on the impact of radioactive contamination, "explained the radioactive safety advisor Jan van de Putte of Greenpeace told AFP on Saturday (03/26/2011).
Environmental agencies will provide alternative information that is often contrary to the information issued by the Japanese nuclear regulators.
The statement was issued when Japan's nuclear safety agency said the Fukushima nuclear power plant operators had detected a radioactive iodine sea with the level of 1250 times the legal limit.
Environmental agencies will provide alternative information that is often contrary to the information issued by the Japanese nuclear regulators.
The statement was issued when Japan's nuclear safety agency said the Fukushima nuclear power plant operators had detected a radioactive iodine sea with the level of 1250 times the legal limit.
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