Small-horned Dinosaur Fossils Found in South Korea
8 Desember 2010
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Scientists melaporakan that they found a small horned dinosaur fossil species Ceratopsian (horned dinosaur family, like Triceratops) 103 million years old. Framework of this ancient animal kala-sized Labrador in South Korean territory.
This fossil is the first Ceratopsian species found in South Korean territory. The discovery of these fossils, including vertebrae, spine, arms and tail bone. Similarly, as quoted by LiveScience, Wednesday (12/08/2010).
The newly discovered dinosaur fossil was named Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis, life in the early Cretaceous era. As a comparison, the most popular type of Ceratopsian, Triceratops lived at the time 65 million years ago.
"This discovery fills gap 20 million year fossil record between the early occurrence of this dinosaur in Asia and their first appearance in North America," said Michael J. Ryan, curator and head of Vertebrate Paleontology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Results from the analysis of this fossil was published in the journal Naturwissenschaften: The Science of Nature's online edition.
Hwaseongensis Koreaceratops measuring 6 feet long and weighs 100 pounds, these animals are small in comparison with their relatives, the giant-sized Triceratops. Beaked mouth indicate if Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis are plant-eating animals. Then by analyzing the leg bone, Ryan and his colleagues suspected that these animals can move quickly.
Tail of Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis also quite unique, ie have some sort of screen, which scientists think these ornaments worn by Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis to swim to find forage in the water and also to attract a mate.
"This is a rare discovery to the South, because usually in this region more ditemuakan fossilized eggs and footprints of dinosaurs," adds Ryan.
The newly discovered dinosaur fossil was named Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis, life in the early Cretaceous era. As a comparison, the most popular type of Ceratopsian, Triceratops lived at the time 65 million years ago.
"This discovery fills gap 20 million year fossil record between the early occurrence of this dinosaur in Asia and their first appearance in North America," said Michael J. Ryan, curator and head of Vertebrate Paleontology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Results from the analysis of this fossil was published in the journal Naturwissenschaften: The Science of Nature's online edition.
Tail of Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis also quite unique, ie have some sort of screen, which scientists think these ornaments worn by Koreaceratops Hwaseongensis to swim to find forage in the water and also to attract a mate.
"This is a rare discovery to the South, because usually in this region more ditemuakan fossilized eggs and footprints of dinosaurs," adds Ryan.
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