CALIFORNIA-Twitterhas announceda symbol of"blue bird" willserve asits newlogo. Themicrobloggingsitealsoprovides an explanation ofchanges tothe design ofits logo.
"Our new Birdgrew out oflovefor theornithologist(study of birds), designedwithasimplegeometry. Thisbirdis createdpurelyfromthe threesets ofoverlappingcircles, similar toyournetwork, that is of interest,linkingideasand connect withcolleagues, and friends, "saidCreative DirectorDougBowmanTwitter, as reported byDigitalSpy, Sunday(10/6/2012).
The newlogo, saidBowman, described thebirdspikeshigh above theearthtoseeka widerviewor groupedwithotherstoaccomplish the same goal. "The flightof birdsisthe finalrepresentationof thepossibility offreedom, hope, andwithout limitation," he explained.
Currently,Twitterbecame oneof the largestsocial networkin the world withapproximately140millionglobalactiveusersworldwide.The company isexpected to bemanaged to earnapproximately$ 1billion inrevenuein 2014.
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