
Finally, The Mermaid Find prince

DENMARK - For nearly a century, the capital city of Copenhagen, Denmark, tourists are known to be a mermaid sculpture on stone harbor city. Now, finally the mermaid is a prince.

Helsingoer city, neighboring Copenhagen, recently presented a statue of a man who is the spouse of a mermaid statue in Copenhagen. Different from the mermaid statue made ​​of stone, this prince statue made ​​of stone and steel facing the Straits of Oeresund, the other side of the straits which displayed a statue of a mermaid partner.

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The statue was given the name of the HAN, which in Denmark means the men. This statue is in the City Helsingoer 600 years old and is a port city where ships docked luxury.

"This statue is a beautiful sculpture that has many unique details, such as the eye can blink and mirror effects," said Hecht Nielsen, Mayor Helsingoer, as quoted by the News, Tuesday (06/05/2012).

Hecht expects this statue can bring foreign tourists to come to his city like a mermaid statue in Copenhagen that has been popular among world travelers. Mermaid statue in Copenhagen is inspired from the story by Hans Andersen's Little Mermaid and completed in 1909. The statue has become a major tourist attraction, especially Denmark Copenhagen since 1913.

For over a century old, the statue of a mermaid has been a lot of experience acts of vandalism, such as cut hands and head, painted in colors, and covered him with clothes by Muslim protesters who think the statue is pornographic.

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