
Prom King & Queen Duet Establish State Promvania

IDAHO - Three weeks after prom night, prom king and queen duo filed a petition to the United Nations (UN) to recognize the new nation they founded, Promvania!

When Gary Hawkins and Ann Samuels lined up as a king and queen of the prom in high school Weippe, Idaho, United States last June, they react just like any other teenager of 17 years. Both gracefully thanked his supporters, posing for photos, and attend various festivities.

But, as complained of friends Ann and Gary, the head seems both larger and they consider themselves the most popular and most romantic in the school.

"Immediately after the prom, Gary and Ann began to develop an attitude of 'we are holier than you'. It's as if they are above others and think of themselves as derivative royal or noble," said one student Cory Baumgarten, as quoted from Huffingtonpost , Saturday (17/12/2011).

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Even more astonishing, three weeks after prom night, Ann and Gary petitioned the UN to recognize them as the new ruler of the country which they form, Promvania!

UN spokesman Simon Leeson initially thought it was just a high school prank.

"But they call us every week, half-dead seriously inquire about the progress of Promvania recognition as a sovereign nation," said Leeson.

When contacted the reporter, Ann and Gary refused to talk. They even told the reporters to contact the Secretary of the Kingdom of Promvania KarenJacobson.

Karen asserts, this petition is not a joke.

"Your Excellency and the Honorable Ann Gary has made a web site and persuade all parties to fund their country. They also seized and claimed control over 217 acres of land outside of Weippe. Not only that, currently, they are interviewing architects to design their castle , as well as artists to design the currency, stamps, and clothing the army, "Karen said firmly.

Another case with Karen, Uncle Ann, Arthur, do not consider this something serious Promvania. He considered, the new state is something silly and invite family members to intervene in the plan.

"Maybe if we could convince Ann, he could make Gary look at this as a joke, too. If only they listened to me and join a bowling league, none of this would happen," complained Arthur.

Unfortunately, the royal couple Gary and Ann heard that Arthur plans. And according to Karen, "Arthur will be the first to be thrown into the dungeon of the Kingdom. Now, if you permit, I must leave the meeting at the Chinese Embassy," Karen mengimbuhkan.

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