Facebook accounts so magic Self Promotion Facility
28 Desember 2011
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ACCOUNTS social networking has become a representation of ourselves in cyberspace. As the social networking boom extends, the personnel manager at various companies also use social networking accounts to screen prospective employees.
If you intend to apply for a job or internship in the near future, baseball no harm 'clean' your social networking accounts, such as Facebook, from the negative.
Check the photo album profile
A good first impression will leave a good memory too. Without you knowing it, Facebook has become part of the 'interview' initial employers of prospective employees at every 'click' the mouse.
2667 survey of personnel officers conducted by Harris Interactive and CareerBuilder shows Facebook profile photos are a big consideration provoaktif accounted for not hiring someone, either as permanent employees and an intern.
President KR Capital Advisors, Edward Klein suggested to put a picture of an expressive profile also shows the maturity. For example, a photograph during a holiday, activity in college sports teams, etc..
Check the photos that are tagged of your friends
Is a good idea to remove the link (tag) at the photographs that you do not want to see your boss. Delete the tag to all photos that show the negative things such as drunkenness, provocative clothes, or photos that show bad behavior.
Even for a more secure, you can ask a friend who gives a link to remove the photos.
When applying for a job, your Facebook account should show professionalism. Check more columns interests, quotes, and your relationship status. Make sure you do not display statements that contain abusive language.
You can use the 'quotes' and 'interests' to increase your chance take a job that you're after. The trick, show information relevant to the position incaranmu it.
Relationship status
No matter if you want to show the actual relationship status. But avoid to install the status that will show your immaturity, such as 'widowed', though it may mean just for fun.
Do not speak ill of your boss's office and the old
This is the main rules of etiquette to use social networking.
Set up a limited profile access
Although you are very careful, baseball hurts the look Facebookmu account info only for those who become your friends.
Be cautious when posting something
Remember, everything that you share on Facebook will reflect not only your assessment of all things, but also profesionalitasmu.
Well, it was ready to change your Facebook account become a tool to promote yourself?
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