4 Researchers Discover New Species of Sharks
31 Desember 2011
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CALIFORNIA - Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences, this year found four new species of shark. The discovery was announced by the relevant institutions recently.
Among the four new species of shark, shark mini saws from Africa (Pristiphorus nancyae) inadvertently caught in the web at ocean depths of 490 meters, in Mozambique. According to David Elbert, researchers from the academy, marine animals is part of the 7 species of shark saws which made it known.
The predators have teeth that are sprinkled in spanjang snout, and is used like a sword menenerobos bunch of fish. Thereafter through the collection of fish he's after, these sharks will be back to take the wounded by the attacks.
Ebert said, along with the discovery that the saw shark, discovered a new species is also an angel shark (Squatina caillieti), at a depth of 370 meters, in the waters of the island of Luzon in the Philippines.
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Then, the other is two species of the genus Etmopterus lantern shark, which is found in Taiwan and South Africa.
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