Reasons Train Not Dark Time
14 November 2011
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TRAIN fire became one of the advantages we often ignore. Take the train is considered romantic past, only for the elderly and less modern.
In an era where powerful machines, "horse-powered", individual freedom and timeliness is important. The train left because it does not offer all that. The world of trains in Indonesia also slumped, both in the city or between cities. Most of us only use the train when going home.
In fact, if the rail service to clean and adjust to international standards in matters of comfort, safety and punctuality, he could potentially be an appropriate mode of travel ogled.
Sleeper classSome services have a class sleeper train, or cabin that has a bed. Carriages more luxurious and even had a private cabin equipped with a bathroom!
Dining carNo dining experience more pleasant and humane than sitting at the table, like in the dining car!
Station in downtownAirports are often located far outside the city because the land area. Stations located in the middle of town, everything is easy and cheap to reach.Cultured
Train travel have a ritual and nostalgia, ranging from shirts and hats machinist, blowing whistles, hospitality waitress, until the interior of the carriage.
Environmentally friendlyEurostar, the train service in Europe, conducted a study that compares the emissions of carbon dioxide between the planes and trains. The result, train travel cut carbon dioxide emissions to 90 percent per passenger.
Using the telephone & internetIt is clear that on the train we could be free to use electronic devices, even if the car is equipped wifi, we can connect to the internet.Productive work
With a steady motion, a relatively long time and the freedom to use electronic devices, we can write, doing presentations, video editing, designing and much more.
Meet new friendsDays on the train when the long journey, sat with others in the dining car, walking in the corridor. Everything is an opportunity to talk with new people!
Friendly people with disabilitiesSeveral carriages in developed countries has been designed to accommodate people with disabilities who are in a wheelchair.Spacious leg room
The average configuration of seats in the railway carriage to provide a wider leg room to stretch our legs, something we have to pay more on the plane!
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