Outside the Earth's core Apparently Not Rich Oxygen
28 November 2011
CALIFORNIA - A new discovery reveals the old theory about the Earth's outer core that contains lots of oxygen is not true.
It is difficult to reveal the chemical nature of the outer core of Earth and may not be done completely. But there are certain signs can be used by researchers to create an inference of information about the Earth, which may look complete.
Early theories about the Earth's outer core contain much oxygen comes from the fact that chemical compounds on Earth is very broad. This makes more than 20 percent of the atmosphere has a lot of water content.
This group consists of experts Geophysics, Carnegie Institution for Science (CIS) and some Chinese scientists from Wuhan University of Technology, which is coordinated by the lead researcher Haijun Huang.
"We can not use samples that have been obtained directly, so we must learn to explore it is through laboratory experiments combined with modeling and data sismik," said Fei Yingwei of the CIS, as quoted by Softpedia, Monday (11/28/2011).
Fei added the study conducted a series of experiments using shock waves. These waves are the same as the movement of tectonic earthquake. By using this method, researchers have a significant and could affect the results of the chemical composition of the material in the outer core of Earth.
The team of this experiment is not yet able to mengjelaskannya in detail, but they assert is not true if the Earth's outer core contains a lot of oxygen. They also suggested further research be conducted to provide the truth about this polemic.