
The Composition of the Closing Ceremony SEA Games

PALEMBANG - Event SEA Games XXVI, Jakarta-Palembang 2011, has been completed today. Biennial sports carnival ends with the closing ceremony, this evening.

After 12 days of fighting to defend their nation's name, the SEA Games 11 participating countries will re-unite in brotherhood tighten the closing ceremony to be held in the Main Gelora Sriwijaya, Jakabaring, Palembang, Tuesday (11/22/2011).
In this closing ceremony, the organizing committee (Inasoc) promises a show that is not less spectacular at the opening, where the fireworks show is still going to be a mainstay, but the art of dance and singing performances from top artists Indonesia.

According to the schedule, a series of events began to be held at 16:00. Denny Malik will start the event with exciting dances.

After the Maghrib prayer break, the duo famous emcee and Nirina Zubir Ipank will guide the course of events up to the opening ceremony that began at 19:00 and was broadcast live.

Renowned composer, Erwin Velasquez will accompany the arrival of Vice President, Boediono, who also opened officially closing ceremony to the accompaniment of the song Indonesia Raya Indonesia's flag-raising at the same time become the overall champion.

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The event continued with a colossal dance involving 600 dancers. Putri Ayu and Daniel Christanto will donate her golden voice, accompanied by 100 children choir. Other artists who will also fill the event, among others, Agnes Monica, Joy Tobing, Sherina and famous band from Kilkenny, Fleet.

The event continued with a procession of athletes from 11 countries competing, as well as musical accompaniment to the entry of ASEAN and welcome the president of the Head of KONI / KOI Soebowo Rita.

Minister of state Youth and Sports Andi Mallarangeng also will read a speech and speech and Boediono who closed the event, followed by a decrease in the SEA Games flag.

Apart from that, the event continued in symbolic handover flag to Myanmar's Southeast Asian Games which will host the 2013 Games, as well as raising the flag of Myanmar nationality complete with song.
The highlight will show extinction of the SEA Games in the cauldron of fire, with 11 athletes from 11 countries, complete with moments of their success. Finally, the fireworks will close the circuit closing of the Games Se-East Asia.

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