
okezone.com : How To Keep Money Safe When Traveling

Indeed eliminate the fatigue of mind on vacation. However, do not neglect the security of the money you bring in order not to bring any other stress.

During the holidays, it is important for smooth financial enjoyed at that location. Trips to the city or country you've never sambangi, pickpocketing is not uncommon to invite risk.

Here are some tips to keep your money safe during the holiday, as quoted Thetravelerszone:

Hiding Money

When doing outdoor activities, save money in a safe place. If you bring money in considerable numbers, never show it. Instead, take the money as needed. This is the appropriate step given the foreign tourists are usually a target for street thieves.

Money Belt

The use of special belts to save money is recommended to keep your money. However, it does not mean you have to leave the wallet in the hotel room. If the hotel you live not too well known and looks a little suspicious, do not ever leave your wallet. The use of a money belt is safer than the wallet when they wanted to make purchases.

Secret Pockets

Another effective way to hide your money is put in the bag of money secrets. These bags can be in certain parts in your bag. If you consider this old-fashioned way, try to find information about bank facilities in the country you want to visit.

Before making hotel reservations, try to first find some information. Do not place an order just because of the relatively cheap hotel rates. Find all information about credit card protection. Do not let your credit card used by the parties undue if it went into the hands of thieves.

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