
Twitter Buy 'Re-tweet.com'

CALIFORNIA - In order to protect the trademark of 're-tweet', Twitter to buy the domain site www.re-tweet.com. However, there are still domains smell 're-tweet' that have not been bought by Twitter, which www.retweet.com.

As quoted from TechCrunch, Thursday (6/16/2011), re-tweet.com domains sold through the auction Flippa few months ago, at a price of only $ 150.

Parties Twitter gets the domain of property from a man named David Quinlan on June 13, 2011.

Twitter has long been trying to get a patent trademark for 'retweet', a way for Twitter users to continue tweet other users, but to date not been successful.

In August 2010, Twitter launched Tweet Button, which allows users to put the 'tweet this on your site / blog.

Twitter own party claimed that the act of purchasing the domain is intended to protect their trademark, the 're-tweet'.

"The site owner tweet.com own re-offering it to our domain. Now we set up the site as a routine strategy of protection of our trademark," explained the Twitter.

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