
Now GPS Can Monitor Illegal Nuclear

LAS VEGAS - Now that the development of global tools postioning system (GPS) was not only able to be used to guide jalam in driving.

In meeting the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), the researchers United States (U.S.) introduced a new tool for detecting nuclear explosions GPS-based illegal.

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"GPS is a complement to other methods, and can help ensure that nuclear testing has occurred, especially when such tests are illegal, so the effect is in the air is very smooth, and vice versa is almost impossible to detect," said Jihye park, a doctoral student at Ohio State University , as reported by TG Daily, Friday (6/10/2011).

This technique relies on the fact that illegal nuclear testing even leave their mark on the upper atmosphere and this can be taken by GPS.

"GPS signal must pass from the transmitteron the the satellite high above the planet to the ground -basedreceivers ,"said professor Grejner -BrzezinskaDorota " Watermolecules ,more specifically ,electrons and other charged particles in the ionosphere - signals interfere , producing a position error ,"he added .

The researchers examined the GPS data of North Korea's nuclear test in 2009, they found that the GPS station in nearby countries accounted for the change in ionospheric electron density, within minutes, as the bubble disturbed particles spread out from test sites and on the planet.

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