Through the Internet Batik Indonesia Traveled
22 Mei 2011
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SOLO - Medium such as the internet could bring a positive blessing for Indonesian culture. One of them is expansion overseas batik. Batik craftsmen can now extend the results of his efforts are not just limited to one country only.
It is felt by Dhanny Arifmawan, batik owners in Kampung Cempaka Laweyan, Solo, Central Java. He opened the merchandise through cyberspace via the website address at The result? Batik creation could spread to foreign countries.
"I made this site since 2005, exactly a year after I opened this business. As a result I mendaptkan positive response,"he told reporters at his residence, Solo, Saturday (21/05/2011).
Positive response is of course Dhanny ordered items that are not only from Indonesia, even down to Singapore, Tokyo, up to Suriname.
"The number of ordering too bad, I send an average of 100 pieces of batik a month to Singapore and Japan," he said.
Dhanny also said, to expand sales to the virtual world due to expand marketing, improve confidence, and with the times. Moreover, this is a family business that has been built since the 80s.
"I'm hiring a freelancer to take care of the site. But about the orderannya, still holding my own," he explained.
Problem of communication between this country, whose business Dhanny beromzet Rp30 million a month it would prefer to use email. "Because if it mahal.hahahaha international calls," he said with a chuckle.
Now he hopes through this site, he also brought the mission of introducing authentic Indonesian batik to melalangbuana up to foreign countries.
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Positive response is of course Dhanny ordered items that are not only from Indonesia, even down to Singapore, Tokyo, up to Suriname.
"The number of ordering too bad, I send an average of 100 pieces of batik a month to Singapore and Japan," he said.
"I'm hiring a freelancer to take care of the site. But about the orderannya, still holding my own," he explained.
Problem of communication between this country, whose business Dhanny beromzet Rp30 million a month it would prefer to use email. "Because if it mahal.hahahaha international calls," he said with a chuckle.
Now he hopes through this site, he also brought the mission of introducing authentic Indonesian batik to melalangbuana up to foreign countries.
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