
This Blood Test Can Predict Your Time Age

LONDON - A group of scientists are ready to offer blood tests that allow you to predict how long you will live.

This test offers the approximate age of a person to calculate the length of telomeres, which are part of the DNA, at the ends of chromosomes, the most important and accurate indicator of accelerated human aging.

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This blood test can be done anyone willing to pay up to USD700. Thus was launched the Straits Times, Wednesday (18/05/2011).

But this test is a direct implementation of the plan raises concerns of its own. Some worry if the test is abused drug companies to sell drugs anti-aging that have not been proven. Insurance companies also can misuse the results of this test to determine the protection they offer to their customers.

However, this test could also provide important information related to the diseases associated with old age. Ranging from heart disease to Alzheimer's and cancer.

According to the research team, counting telomere length as an indicator of life expectancy is already an open secret.

"But what is new from this test is accurate. We can detect the slightest difference of the length of telomeres," says Maria Blasco from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center.

"This is a technique that is very quick and easy, where a variety of samples can be analyzed at the same time. Most importantly, we can know the existence of a dangerous telomeres, the telomeres are very short," he added.

Meanwhile, alumni faculty of medicine at Harvard Medical School as well as Nobel Prize judge Carol Greider, "Knowing your biological age is very useful and maybe you can change the habits of life if you find that you are known to have short telomeres."

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