
The Al Qur'an Burning Demonstration Warming

Jalalabad - Demonstrators in southern Afghanistan have clashed with police in downtown at the time of burning the Al Qur'an protest in Florida some time ago.

An officer was shot dead on the second day of clashes in the city of Kandahar. While the two officers and 18 other residents expressed an injury.

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In Jalalabad, the second largest city in the eastern region, hundreds of people blocked the highway for three hours, shouting the words out for the troops the United States (U.S.). While approximately a thousand other people in the streets burning tires to block roads leading to Parwan province for one hour.

Violence occurs over Al Qur'an burning that occurred on March 20, then at a church in Florida, the same church where the pasturnya threatened to burn the Al Qur'anat the time for celebration 11 September last year.

The protests which began on Friday, also triggered by an unstoppable disappointment since many years in Afghanistan due to military operations by Western forces. They accused the military forces had committed the murder and mistreatment of its indigenous citizens, they also enrich themselves and engage in corruption by using the money Afghans.

Not to mention the exposure of photographs of U.S. soldiers who commit murder Afghans and seem to smile with the corpses of murder victims, reports the Associated Press on Monday (04/04/2011).

Thousands of demonstrators in the town famous quiet in northern Mazar-i-Sharif fell to the streets after Friday prayers yesterday and attacked UN offices, and killed three UN staff members and four guards from Nepal.

On Saturday, hundreds of Afghans with a Al Qur'an over their heads to do the long march on Kandahar, the demonstrators are also directly attacked the car and place of the existing business. Security forces opened fire and nine demonstrators were declared dead, but the governor of Kandahar said that security forces had only fired shots into the air.

While the military commander Gen. David Petraeus and NATO representative in Afghanistan said that they hope Afghans can understand that the actions of a group of people or individuals, who do not respect the Koran, does not represent a country.

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