
Here's Some Video Video Burning AL QUR'AN

After reading the news on www.rakyatmerdeka.co.id yaang mention that fire action against the Al Qur'an that had happened before 11 September, I tried to find video diyoutube and it's true many video2 burning Al Qur'an that is uploaded.

I do not intend to provocation, but this is fact, proven Word of ALLAH

- "The Jews and the Christians would not like to you until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance manual (which is true). " And verily if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came to you, then God is no longer the protector and helper for you "(Surah: Al-Baqarah - 120).

- ... Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their hearts conceal is greater .. (QS: Ali Imran - 118)

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