
a brief history of female robots: from maria to E.M.A.

science fiction has always played a role in contemplating the future and allowing us to stretch our imaginations.
the idea of robots has long been around, but the introduction of the female robot was something that came
about during the 1920's. often used in hollywood as a seductress, the fembot has been making her way from
sci-fi fantasy screenplay to the real-life. fembots have been designed as a sex dolls, receptioinsts even
a police chief. the following pages are a timeline of female robots in history, from fritz lang's destructive maria
to the affectionate E.M.A.(eternal maiden actulization).

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eternal maiden actualization (E.M.A.) by SEGA toys (2008)

this past june, SEGA toys announced the release of E.M.A. projected for sale by september 2008.
she is essentially a femisapien which was produced by wowwee in 1996, only E.M.A. is targeted
towards the japanese. the newest fembot on the market, E.M.A. was made with the intention of
providing sex appeal with a womanly body that can move at the elbows, shoulders, waist and knees.
made to act like a 'real girlfriend', E.M.A. can sing, dance and has a 'love' sensor for kissing. if you put
your face close enough to hers, she will give you a few pecks. standing at 38 cm tall, she is programmed
to introduce herself, hand-out business cards, strut like a lady and if you're lucky, she'll fall into love mode
and rest-up to you for a little cuddle.

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