
This teen killed after 12 Hours Playing Game

CALIFORNIA - A father is grieving after the death of his son, launched a campaign on the dangers of excessive computer game playing. During the campaign he asked the players to give pause time off when playing computer games.

Reported by ITV (05.16.2012), Chris lost his son, David Staniforth, who died a year from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Chris said, his son in a day spent twelve hours to play computer games. To date Chris believes, habits play a factor in a long time berpulangnya David.

Currently, Chris has a campaign website to take regular breaks when playing games. Not only that, he also hopes the game manufacturers play activities highlight the dangers of prolonged recording of the product.
Professor Beverley say DVT can affect anyone and no one would expect. Not only that DVT hit anyone at any age. So it makes sense, get up and take a break after a few hours of game play.
What is Deep vein thrombosis?

Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common medical condition, but under diagnosed that occurs when (blood clot) thrombus is formed in one of the large veins, usually in the leg, leading to the circulation either partially or completely blocked.

A deep venous thrombus-(blood clots) is the intravascular deposits composed of fibrin and red blood cells with a variable platelet and leukocyte component.

Deep-vein thrombosis occurs when a thrombus forms (usually in the area of ​​slow or disturbed blood flow) in one of the large veins, usually in the leg, leading to either partially or completely blocked circulation.

People with DVT may notice pain and swelling in the leg where the clot has formed, though smaller clots may not cause any symptoms.The main problem occurs when part of a blood clot breaks off and flows into the lungs. This condition, called pulmonary embolus Pulmonary embolism (PE), can cause severe injury or death.

Pulmonary embolism can occur when a fragment of a blood clot breaks loose from the walls of blood vessels and migrate to the lungs, where the block or one pulmonary artery branch.

When the clot is large enough to completely block one or more blood vessels that supply the lungs with blood, can lead to sudden death.Currently an estimated 600 thousand Americans will suffer deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).

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