
5 Ways Not To Fart Smell

Although wind is the body's natural reaction, but the fart that smells too often and certainly makes one ashamed. In order to be normal and not fart stink there are several ways you can do. What are they? According to the American College of Gastroenterology, the average wind 10 to 20 times a day is considered normal. In the normal frequency, farting is a healthy thing because it signifies the peristalsis of the digestive system especially the gut to the anus to walk normally.

In addition to making social discomfort, foul-smelling flatus can cause pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Changes in diet and lifestyle can help reduce the amount of gas in the body.

Launched Livestrong, here are some address that is not smelly fart:

1. Drinking herbal tea 

Drinking herbal tea after eating can prevent the formation of gas in the intestine. Breastcancer.org recommend chamomile or peppermint tea, which can help your body digest food properly, preventing smelly fart. Green tea may also help.

2. Limit foods that trigger gas in stomach 

Too much to eat high-fiber foods such as nuts and tubers can trigger flatulence. Limit vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower if you are experiencing abdominal bloating. Alcohol and soft drinks can also make you more often and smelly fart.

3. Note the intake of dairy products 

Note whether the gas in your abdomen increases when you eat dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt, because it could be that you are intolerant to lactose, which can make you fart more often with a foul odor.

 4. Exercise routine 
According to MayoClinic.com Regular exercise can help alleviate chronic intestinal gas (excessive flatus) that cause smelly farts. Choose a light exercise such as walking and yoga, which can help the healthy digestive system so it does not produce excessive gas.

5. Change your eating habits 

Change your eating habits to help the body digest food properly and reduce the air entering the stomach when eating. Chew food slowly, mouth closed, not with a big bite and do not talk while eating. Do not use a straw when drinking, and avoid chewing gum to prevent more air into the stomach.

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