
Rat singing like a Bird

OSAKA - Scientists from the University of Osaka have been doing genetic engineering in mice, and rodents that could make like a bird chirping.

Mice babbler created as part of Evelved Mouse Project is expected to illuminate the hope to find out how the language could have evolved. Dailymail as preached on Sunday (1/29/2012), the mice were born by chance, but peculiar to be passed on to subsequent generations.

"Mutations are the driving force of evolution. We have interbred in mice that the gene was modified in order to find out what will happen,: bright led Uchimura Arikuni research.

"We examined the newly born mice one by one, and one day we found a mouse that chirp like birds," he added.

This project has also produced mice with short limbs and a tail like a dog's dachshund.

Laboratory headed by professor Takeshi Yagi, at Osaka University's Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, western Japan, now has more than 100 singing mice for further research.

"To be an object lesson, a mouse better than birds because they are mammals and the structure of the brain and other biological aspects are closer to humans," Uchimura said.

"We look at how mice that secrete a new voice will affect ordinary mice in the same group. In other words, observe the likelihood of social connotations," he said, adding that ordinary mice squeak, especially in times of stress.

To hear the chirp of a mouse, click on this link.

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