"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" That cries Bung Tomo on 10 November 1945, on the sidelines of a speech on Radio RRI Surabaya.

Shout Takbir was able to flog zeal arek-arek Suroboyo to welcome allies attack the Dutch soldiers hitchhike.

The battle that killed General Malaby, led allied forces. There was never any allied generals in World War II who was killed, but in the archipelago. Heroic story that should become an important learning for youth of Islam today.

Not only takbeer flog zeal of youth, who raised the slogan of the Bung Karno Red Jackets (Do not Forget History Occasional) appropriate to revolutionize the thinking styles of youth today. Great nation is a nation that does not forget the history of his own people.

Islam also teaches Thus, Ibn Abbas RA said, "Devoting the ability of the belief in God and not afraid to censure those who like to denounce." Consequently, the struggle of Indonesia is not an ordinary but an extraordinary thing because it is the crystallization of the struggle of the scholars and the Muslimin Indonesia.

Indonesia Muslim struggle for independence in Indonesia is very real effort, namely the seconds before the Proclamation.

Maybe we just hear about the pressure the young men who kidnapped Sukarno to Rengasdengklok. It was Sukarno asked to hasten the proclamation of the real kemerdekaan.Tapi, Sukarno still do not dare. Due to the push KH Hasyim Asy'arilah would eventually Sukarno proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945, or coinciding with 19 Ramadan 1364 H.

Clearly, if Ramadan is right Syahrul atauBulan Jihad Struggle, and the remuneration of the Muslims, Sukarno and then build the Martyrs Mosque in Yogyakarta.

No hanyaitu, the leader of PETA soldiers from 68 battalions at that time not only consist of the officers but the scholars. So, where are you, O youth of Islam?

If history has chalked brilliance ink independence of our country, what are we waiting for to build this nation toward a definite improvement.

Not just physically and intellectually that we will build the civilization of the nation's apartment but to start building ruhiyah with continued zeal in air-Islam at every joints of life. It leads us into a great nation where people love God and God will love us.

"So do not you follow the unbelievers, and strive against them with the Koran degan great jihad." (Surat al-Furqan:52).

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