
First Time Photo 360 Degree Whole Sun

SAN FRANCISCO - For the first time NASA's space agency released the appearance of the sun image in full size. As is known, a very large sun made it difficult to be taken as a whole.

The photo was taken through the two spacecraft Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). United States space agency is taking photos with the position of 360 degree sun. It takes special techniques to take this picture.

As reported by FoxNews, Tuesday (02/08/2011), the way taken by the STEREO planes are respectively a plane taking pictures opposite each other on the opposite side of the sun. By looking at the overall form of the sun-from front to back-will allow scientists to understand weather patterns and solar systems.

The presence of these photographs, of course, can help scientists in the future of solar activity. Including the phenomenon of solar eruptions, which can damage satellites, which berimnas the disruption of communication systems on Earth.

"With the presence of Sun photo Scientists can predict the weather through the surface of the sun,"said one scientist Richard Harrison.

"The sun is the object of a complex and affect many aspects of life," he said.

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