
Skype will be present in the Xbox 720?

Microsoft seems more aggressive with internet-based video chat service which he bought in 2011, Skype. At issue, the technology company has plans to embed technology in all of its product.

Products mentioned here include the Xbox 720. Rumors are circulating of an article published by the CVG website where they claim the information about the use of Skype that will replace the existence of Xbox Live chat.

Moderate source of 'inside' who declined to be named also issued a claim that is not much different, quoted from DigitalTrends, Saturday (01/19/2013).

Microsoft to buy Skype with a relatively large value of the USD 8.5 billion. So no surprise that Microsoft is hoping to return by maximizing its investment in the presence of Skype products.

Previously it was reported that Microsoft's Windows Live Messenger shut down immediately and replace it with Skype. Microsoft itself has not commented on the rumors that VoIP service deployment in 360nya Xbox successor.

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