
Black Holes 'star eater' Sending the Light

WASHINGTON - gamma rays coming from the galaxy's light is visible up to four billion light-years, last March. U.S. astronomers claim that light coming from the sun-sized star who was 'eaten' by a black hole.

The energy of the explosion continues to be observed during the next two and a half months.
"This is really different from the events we observe explosions ever before," said one researcher Joshua Bloom, as quoted by the Straits Times on Friday (06/17/2011).

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Light from the constellation Draco captured quickly by NASA's Swift satellite, which seeks to uncover the mystery of powerful explosions in the universe known as gamma ray bursts. A few days later, Dr. Bloom informed his colleagues that the explosion was "probably not a gamma ray burst at all."

Bloom's statements come closer penganatan reinforced by data from satellites and observations by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray. It turned out that the blast originated from a star with a size similar to the sun being 'swallowed up' in a galaxy far as mylar 3.8 light years.

"We think this incident when the incident terdekteksi produce the brightest light. And if so a star was torn apart by giant black hole, we think it will never happen again in this galaxy," says Bloom.

Energy gamma rays that emerge from the so-called Sw 1644 +57 is expected to appear on March 24 or March 25, is still emitting light. But light is expected to fade gradually until 2012.

Bloom concludes, "These explosions produce large amounts of energy in a period of time. And events like this continues until the next two and a half months. Because when a giant black hole that tore the star, the mass of spinning around like water flowing into the sinkhole. and this turnaround process releases a lot of energy. "

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