
personal invite to be an electronics Advisor on ShopSquad.com

Dear masaal,


In recognition of your amazing work on Mas Aal Cliquers, one of your readers has nominated you to be an electronics Advisor on ShopSquad. We've just launched a free shopping advice website where shoppers can ask Advisors (i.e. you!) for electronics advice, and we believe that you would be a perfect fit. 


If you recommend a laptop, iPod, or gadget that is purchased, you get a percentage of the sale. We know that you’re probably driving thousands of dollars of sales from your blog, and ShopSquad allows you to capture more of that value when you share your expertise and recommend the products you love to your readers through the ShopSquad platform. 


There are a number of ways to use ShopSquad:


1.) If you're not available for a live chat, shoppers can leave a question for you on your profile page, and you can answer at your convenience.


2.) Shoppers can post "open questions" that any Advisor can answer, and the latest open questions relevant to your areas of expertise will show up in your profile feed when you log in.


3.) You can "ShopTag" a link to a product--this means using the ShopSquad platform to create a unique link to a product from one of our affiliate stores.  You can then use this link in blog posts, tweets, Facebook, etc, and if any of your readers use that link to make a purchase, you get a commission!

Read our great press coverage. When you're ready, sign up free at www.shopsquad.com/. 


Thanks for your time, and have a great day!



Joyce Chen

(415) 986-1311


Visit us: www.ShopSquad.com

Follow on Twitter: @shopsquad

Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShopSquad 



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