
Washing Water Rice Can Nourish Plants

JAKARTA - Who would have thought that plain rice water thrown away, proved to have great benefits for plants? Through research conducted student Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Siti Yayu Nurhasanah, found that the content in rice water is useful as a fertilizer plant.

Faculty of Agriculture IPB reveals, rice water is an alternative media carrier bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. The bacteria are microbes that play a role in controlling disease-causing petogen rust and trigger the growth of plants.

"Water washing rice has abundant nutrients include carbohydrates in the form of starch by 85-90 percent, glutein protein, cellulose, hemicellulose, sugars, and vitamins that high," said Yayu.

Acceleration of bacterial growth of P. fluorescens on rice water formula can be added tempeh extract and sugar.
To prove his invention, Yayu perform testing of a number of chrysanthemum seedlings are planted in sterile soil medium. Intensive one seed formulation is given rice water, while others do not. Having observed within a certain period, plants were given rice water formulations have significant plant growth.

However Yayu mentioned, growth in plants depends on the intensity of spraying formula. "The growth of each plant is different, depending on the intensity of spraying formulations rice water," he explained.

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