CALIFORNIA - Astronomers United States (U.S.) says that a minor planet discovered by scientists to have a layer of ice and a little atmosphere.

As quoted by UPI, on Wednesday (24/08/2011), a small planet nicknamed Snow White found it covered by a layer of ice and have a bit of the atmosphere.

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology say that a small planet with the name of science 2007 OR10 may have a few layers of methane, which is the remainder of the elements forming the atmosphere.

"You'll be able to see a beautiful picture of a planet that used to have volcanoes and atmosphere, which is now just a cold planet with no atmosphere," said Mike Brown, professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology.

"Small Planet is located at the tip of the limits of our solar system and half the size of Pluto," he added.

Small, distant planet is also part of a collection of icy objects at the end of the space of our solar system called the Kuiper Belt Objects.

"We are currently examining the planet when Snow White 'live'," said Brown.

"Over the past four and a half billion years, the planet's Snow White was already there, and then began to lose its atmosphere. Now very little is left of the small planet's atmosphere," he concluded.

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